The new Small Pottery Wheel monthly update: May

The new Small Pottery Wheel monthly update: May

Hi everyone and welcome to May’s edition of our monthly updates, all about our new pottery wheel and probably our most exciting update yet! I know there will be a lot of people reading this who would have missed March and April's blog posts, so I encourage you to go and read them if you want a full overview of the process up to this point!

At long last, our utility and design patents are officially submitted for our new Small Pottery Wheels, so I can reveal all the details and tell you guys all about them.

As you can see by the cover image, we finally received our prototypes from our manufacturer! Aren’t they just the best??

These prototypes are mock-ups that give us a realistic idea of how the final wheels will look when done, which includes the colours. We paid to have four wheels made up in different colours to see how they would look. So far, we are pretty sure we will offer Sage Green and Teal blue to start.

I made a short reveal video for social media when we first got them, but didn’t go into specifics about the features. So the other day I sat down and recorded myself showing and using the wheel, going over all the new features and showing how it handles different amounts of clay.

You can watch that video below:

Now we have these prototypes, we are able to rigorously test them to make sure everything functions as it should. I took the wheels to my South London studio last week and was able to get some really good first-look, first-throw feedback from members there. There are some bits and pieces that need to be addressed which myself and Stefano are working on now.

Once all of those are resolved, we will be ready to give the go-ahead to our manufacturer to begin production!

I get asked a lot about the price these new wheels are going to be. The final price will be dependant on how much the tooling, component and packaging costs come to, but we are working to the provision of around £170 per wheel. I will be able to give better clarity once we begin manufacturing.

Some of you may have noticed that we have a new logo as well! To go along with the launch of the new wheel in July, we have been doing some upgrading to our branding. We’ve got a new logo, our packaging will have a fresh new design and our booklet will also be updated. I love my old logo, but I drew it quickly 5 years ago when I first started small ceramics, when I was making more animal sculptures. I kept the fox face as it ties me to the origins of our company but it was time for it to look and feel a bit more professional and up-market.

We will slowly be rolling out these branding changes across our collateral in the coming months!

As always the only sure-fire way to get one of these wheels is to purchase a pre-order deposit from us and secure a wheel from our launch in July.

(If you haven't purchased a pre-order deposit and would like to, you can do so here)

Thank you again for your support of our small business! I am really grateful for everyone’s patience with us while we work

And if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us either via email or message me on instagram!

Happy potting all,

Daisy & Stefano of Small Ceramics 🩵

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Hmmmm. I’m unable to locate my 16 digit code in any of my emails from February.

Excited to purchase one of the wheels


pre-ordered mine! Cannot wait! After watching the video I’m curious about waterproofing. And water getting into the crevices, but also getting into the USB-C port.

David Scaringe

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